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SignalStar VECTOR

주요 사양

- 4 - 32 Channels
- 직관적인 사용자 인터페이스
- Local Throghput Disk(Option)
*진동 시험 수행과 동시에 실시간 Time data 저장 가능
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- Up to 6400 frequency lines,

- Up to 20 kHz bandwidth


[Mixed Mode]

- Sine on Random

- Random on Random

- Sine and Random on Random


[Classical Shock]

- Up to 65,536 point frame size

- Time, frequency, or mixed control strategies


[Transient Control]

- Import arbitrary waveforms with up to 65,535

  time points

- Time, frequency or mixed control strategies


- Up 20 kHz sweep range

- True continuous swept sine

- Digital tracking filters with user-specified

  fixed or proportional bandwidth

- Resonance search and phase-tracked dwell


 [Shock Response Synthesis]

- Up to 65,536 point frame size

- RRS, time, frequency, freq + RRS, or freq + time

  control strategies


[Time Data Replication]

- Time history import with resample, filtering,

  and editing

- Pre-test drive



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